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Centrallix Documentation
1. Getting Started
2. Applications Overview
3. Application Components
4. Reports Overview
5. Report Components
6. SQL Language
7. Process Modeling
8. Application Modeling
9. Role-Based Security
10. Business Logic Modeling
11. Other Objects
12. External API's
13. Internal API's

6.8 Functions and Operators

Functions and Operators

Here is a summary of the functions and operators that Centrallix supports. Note that, generally, these functions and operators apply to both SQL expressions and the expressions found in application, component, and report definitions.

A notation is given as to what SQL standard, if any, also uses the particular function. ANSI means the function or operator is nearly universal, unless otherwise noted (in some cases the ANSI standard is not followed by many SQLs).


Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /

Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT


Comparison operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, *=, =*

Attribute references: :attr, :obj:attr, ::attr

For details, see SQL Operators.


Most functions return NULL if any of the required arguments is NULL. There are some exceptions to this, however.

Not all functions are appropriate in all contexts.

String Functions: ascii(), charindex(), char_length(), cos_compare(), escape(), lev_compare(), levenshtein(), lower(), ltrim(), lztrim(), quote(), ralign(), replace(), replicate(), reverse(), right(), rtrim(), substitute(), substring(), wordify().

Aggregate Functions: avg(), count(), first(), last(), nth(), max(), min(), sum().

Domain Declaration Functions: runclient(), runserver(), runstatic().

Date and Time Functions: dateadd(), datediff(), datepart(), getdate().

Conversion and Encoding Functions: convert(), dateformat(), from_base64(), from_hex(), to_base64(), to_hex(), wordify().

Mathematical Functions: abs(), acos(), asin(), atan(), atan2(), constrain(), cos(), degrees(), log10(), power(), radians(), rand(), round(), sin(), sqrt(), square(), tan(), truncate().

Cryptographic Functions: hash(), hmac(), pbkdf2(), argon2id().

Other Functions: condition(), dense_rank(), eval(), has_endorsement(), isnull(), lag(), nullif(), row_number(), user_name().


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